About Kym

Over the past few decades I have started or co creating several businesses from Cafes to Garage Doors Sales and Service to Women’s Mysteries workshops and groups to Laws of Attraction Coaching and workshops to network marketing.
I have fallen down, made mistakes and learned a heck of a lot.
I have been a committed Personal Development Student for many years – and will continue to as this is my passion.
What I have come to know is that we all have a story and we all experience difficulties and that our greatest strengths lie within the seeds of those difficulties and through ceasing to play the victim in our lives and instead looking for the clues we can piece together a beautiful, abundant, fulfilling life.

Let me ask you this –
Does your life look like you truly want it to be?
Are you going after your dreams?
Do you have a business idea or a small business that just isn’t performing how you want it be?
Do you think there is more to discover?
Do you have other unanswered questions?

Let’s Book a chat to see how I can best assist you.
Please complete the form below and I will connect with you, generally within 48 hours.

My vision:
All human beings take responsibility for their own lives. We each know and understand the universal Laws and work with those laws in our personal and business lives to create and live from an empowered space, where we honour and respect each other and interact from a place of integrity, gratitude and love, knowing this is an abundant universe with more than enough for all.
I hope you enjoy this site and I look forward to connecting with you.

Contact Kym:
Thanks for visiting my site. I can be reached through these numbers.
Email: kymmkennedy@hotmail.com
Mobile: 0457613078
USA: 3037315875
UK: 02032865661
NZ : 098894371
Skype: kym.kennedy
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/kym.kennedy